
4000 美元 單人牌位,牌匾上鐫刻個人姓名 9000 美元 家族牌位(最多 10 人,牌匾上鐫刻家族姓氏) 歡迎任何信仰背景的人士與寵物。. 在時輪金剛解脫佛塔下保留一塊珍貴的空間,為您或您最近或即將去世的親人祈福。 我們正在香巴拉之地開發一個紀念往生者的地方。約 4.5 米高的時輪金剛解脫佛塔將矗立在寺院內俯瞰一處風景優美的水域和地方。它將被美化成一個鮮花盛開的花園。這個地方和佛塔將受到殊勝的加持,以連接那些往生者投生於未來在香巴拉淨土。將佛塔安放在這裡將有助於產生強大的願力,並與香巴拉法王的淨土建立因緣聯繫。時輪金剛大佛塔將充滿與此相關的強大聖物。轉生到香巴拉淨土的人就能即生成佛。 數量有限的牌匾將環繞基座周圍托舉起佛塔。每快牌匾都有相應的紀念地點。牌匾上可以鐫刻個人姓名或是家族姓氏。逝者的骨灰、頭髮、指甲、照片或名字牌位將被放置在大佛塔下方,作為大型時輪金剛佛塔基座的一部分。所有物品都將經過淨化成為聖物後在放置在佛塔下。 自預訂之日起,屆時的逝者或家族成員可在您的空間內安放 108 年。在此日期之後,您預留的空間將不會移除任何東西,但也不可添加任何東西。請注意,埋葬的是大約一大湯匙經過適當儀式淨化後成為聖物的骨灰。我們不能將逝者的全部骨灰放置在該區域。 現在預訂的都是未來可用的位置。目前的預訂是為了籌款,幫助建設這個特殊的地方。由於許可、規劃和建設過程的原因,一些細節可能會發生變化,從而影響我們希望為您提供的具體安排。在這種情況下,我們將與您聯繫,並提供其他選擇,或在需要時退款。  諮詢詳情請發送電子郵件至 [email protected]

Memorial Plaque on the base of the Kalachakra Liberation Stupa

Memorial Plaque in the Kalachakra Liberation Stupa Gardens

Reserve a precious space beneath the Kalachakra Liberation stupa to bless you or your loved ones who have recently or will pass away.

We are developing a memorial space at the Land of Shambhala. Approximately 4.5 meters tall Kalachakra Liberation Stupa will be standing overlooking the water and space in a very scenic spot on the property. It will be beautifully landscaped in a flowering garden. This space and stupa will be especially blessed to connect those who pass away and with a future rebirth in the Realm of Shambhala.  Being placed here will help create a powerful intention and Karmic link with the realm of the Kalki Kings. The main Kalachakra stupa will be filled with powerful holy relics that relate to this. People who are reborn in the realm of Shambhala have the possibility to reach enlightenment in a single lifetime once reborn there.

A limited number of plaques will encircle the bottom foundation holding up the stupa. Each plaque has a memorial space related to it. The plaque can either have an individual’s name or a family name engraved on it. Ashes, hair, nail clippings, photographs, or name tags of the deceased will be put beneath that stupa as part of the base of the larger Kalachakra Stupa.  All items will be purified to be made holy before being placed under the stupa.

$4000 Single Space with an Individual name on the plaque
$9000 Family Space (up to 10 people with the family name on the plaque)

Any religious background and pets are welcome.

The initial deceased or family members can be placed in your space for 108 years from the date of booking. Nothing will be removed but nothing will be added after that date to your reserved space. Please note this is for approximately a large tablespoon amount of ashes that are properly ritually purified to be made holy. We can not place the whole of a deceased person’s ash in the area.

All reservations made now are for spots available in the future. The estimated completion date is 2024. The current reservations are taken as fundraisers to help build this special place. Due to the permitting. planning and building process some details may change that could impact the exact arrangement of what we wish to offer you. In that case, we will be in contact with you and give alternative options or refunds if required. For inquiries email [email protected]


Reserve a Memorial