The Eight Immortals

The Eight Immortals

The Eight Immortals, a group of legendary immortals in Chinese mythology.

  • $15.00 加高

The Eight Immortals

A group of legendary immortals in Chinese and Taoist mythology who have the power to bestow life or destroy evil via a vessel each. These eight vessels are called the “Covert Eight Immortals.” The Eight Immortals have been linked to the initial development of qigong exercises and some Chinese martial arts styles.

Taoism is a philosophical and spiritual tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, which is the natural order of the universe. The primary goal of a Taoist practitioner is to align themselves with the Tao by practicing non-action, which is allowing things to unfold naturally without interference.    

The Tao Te Ching, a foundational text of Taoism, presents a collection of aphorisms that offer guidance on various aspects of life, including social politics and everyday living. Many of the ideas in the Tao Te Ching are rooted in the ancient shamanistic traditions of prehistoric China and emphasize the importance of connecting with nature.  

Taoism has evolved over time, incorporating ideas and practices from other Chinese traditions such as Confucianism and Buddhism. This cross-pollination of ideas has resulted in a rich and diverse tradition that offers a variety of paths for practitioners to follow, depending on their individual needs and inclinations.

This statue is intended to be brass at 180cm tall.
The sponsorship fees will cover:

  • Base Model Design 
  • Generate 3d Model
  • Identify the right building materials and way to anchor her
  • Production 
  • Custom painting of the statue to withstand the elements
  • Importation to Australia or Transportation in Australia
  • Installation at Land of Shambhala
  • Consecration of the Statue


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We need help with the construction and installation of the statue as well as it’s design and implimentation.