Let's Manifest Shambhala Together

Construction and Manual Labor

Offer your construction, carpentry, plumbing, electrician skills or offer your labor and learn a skill along with us on the land. 

Business and Administrative

Help with fundfaising, finance, administration, marketing, website development, and project management. 

Design & Architecture

We are looking for volunteers who can do 3d concept visualizations, architecture designs, engineering, and any other skill that may help.

Permaculture and Planting

We are looking for people knowledgeable with planting, healing herbs, farming and landscaping. 

“Every single day is something you look forward to. I never dread with what is coming the next day because in The Land of Shambhala, you are close to nature, to animals who freely roam around, to the sound of  grasses make creating a gene swishing sound, to the comforting gush of the river, and many more. An experience certainly worth keeping and sharing.’’

Volunteer Application

We are always looking for part-time, online, and residential volunteers to help the activities of Khentrul Rinpoche flourish. If you would like to contribute to Dzokden Shambhala but don’t see an open position listed, please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch.  For those who are interested in one-time volunteer events, please check out our volunteer dates at Rime Institute.

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